They're fine!" If not we will have to get rid of him. On a couple of occasions, Ive referred clients to world-renowned veterinary behaviorist Dr. Karen Overall. I adopted a rescue pup 2 months ago. Finally I have had to accept that he needs more help than I can help him with. I have a reactive German Shepherd female who just turned 3. Is he growling when he bites? Thank you very much for sharing your experience. We had scratches and bruises all the time. Aussiedoodle live for up to 11 or 12 years. I have to work so I cant be home with him or he would be better. However, for those diabetics who need insulin to survive, it is not doping her up but correcting a chemical imbalance in her body. So thanks for the article. Good luck! We adopted a year old male Austrian Shepherd. 3 times a day sometimes. A Confession: Im a Dog Trainer Who Put Her Dog on Prozac. For the most part Jake is super playful and loving to people and dogs. When he comes charging around the corner, I pretend as though I haven't seen him in years and get all excited and tell him what a good boy he is and hug him. Did they solve the behavior issue? Her general-care vet prescribed Valium as treatment for separation anxiety. The problem is, separation anxiety is a clinical diagnosis, and Sammy manifested none of the signs (no mutilation of self or property, no absence-induced anorexia, no excessive vocalization, no inappropriate elimination). The trainers did suggest electric collar but we've never resorted to that. Why not just train him? He is the best loving dog ever. My male Aussie (just turned 2 saturday) has very recently been having some behavioral problems. Believe me, I know how hard it is. How do I stop her from biting the other dog? We have been trained 3 times. Can this actually happen that two lifelong friends could suddenly lose all perception of each other by the transformation that happened with the unrequested shaving? I would advise visiting Cesar Millan's website. I brought a Dalmatian into my house that was abused. I adopted my Aussie, Champ, when he was 3. Our trainer suggested extra exercise (even putting him on a. Thinking of the Prozac route. Small steps over and over. Check out Zaks you tubes. Slightly longer than he is tall, the Australian Shepherd stands 20 to 23 inches tall at the shoulder for males, 18 to 21 inches for females. I found an Aussie in the shelter when he was 18 months old. Even if she doesn't work out for you, there are ways for her to be adopted, I don't think she needs to die. Your email address will not be published. She would get the smaller dog put her mouth around the dogs head and shake it. She has now attacked smaller dogs at the park 3 times. Using lavender essential oil with your Australian Shepard should help calm him. We've scheduled an appt to have him fixed next week hoping that will help. I'm sorry you're going through that. these dogs belong on a farm. I plan on reaching back out to the behaviorist for more training. I also have an aussie male ( he is a mini tho) and he had similar issues as a puppy minus the actual biting. We have fixed him, brought him to trainers recommended by the vet, and give him hours and hours of exercise and to no avail he still bites. Hi there. He also has aggression with certain toys, bones, and treats and cannot have them around any people encluding our own family members. She is 10 lbs. Its been 3 weeks since we started our Peppina (a Jack Russell mix rescue) on 20mg of Prozac. She pulled me over and hurt my knee requiring surgery when I was trying to walk her, she jumps up continuously despite correction. They saved me. The TV, a bird, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a weedeater, a lawnmower -even the sound of rain anything that made noise turned him into a uncontrollable maniac. I would discourage anyone considering this breed for city life. I tried. As I watched all Zak George's you tube videos I think you need to anticipate the reaction before it happens and catch her attention and reward it. Id originally thought the problem was that I was working two jobs and gone a lot of the day, despite the activity she was getting. Sometimes Prozac is the right choice, sometimes Valium. Are you on Facebook? It was gruesome. We have a very good trainer we are working with,that suggested,or rather ,insisted that we try this for Nikko to be able to learn other ways of dealing with anxiety,more easily. love him unconditionally and if he doesnt like others jsut tell people dont touch him. She has been in puppy class and obedience school. He has been on Prozac for 4 weeks and I believe there is hope now. I think he can feel a little boxed in at times when he is tied up on a leash. I never had to muzzle her, but if your pup bites all the time, and doesn't settle, then a muzzle will protect other people, and ultimately her. He also nipped my 4yo son enough to make him a little fearful. My neighbors wanted me kicked out of the neighborhood because of my dog. She was extremely protective, I was her human. LIST OF DRUGS THAT CAUSE SENSITIVITY TO DOGS WITH MDR1 MUTATION. But worse is that he is consistently aggressive to the neighbor dog and now the owner to the point where the owner is afraid jake will bite him. Certain things need to remain in place, ie going in the back yard for potty and play and then coming in. Hello! Rewind a handful of years ago, we started experiencing behaviors with Layla that . This is similar to the issues we have with my corgi. He was excessively overly excitable. Dogs are pack animals. So many times people run out and get an Aussie pup or grown dog at the dog shelter or a breeder that carries a line in the blood that has aggressive behaviour. My dog tried that when my husband would sit next to me on the sofa or would hug me. I knew she would be more of a challenge than most other dogs. Then they wean the dog off the drug until they can manage the condition without the use of medication. Any suggestions? Even "Ceasar Milan" stresses this. They don't go about on a leash, and although they are caged at times when horses are worked they have freedom on the ranch. We have them separated right now. I am a very active person so she for sure gets runs and hikes and walks. If a stranger or unknown dog comes up to one of them, they go insane and bark, growl, and sometimes bite. I don't know what to do. Wow! I hope I can post here again with the results that we find. Diazepam My 14 lb. One without the other is a lot like chili with no cornbread it misses the point. He got aggresive the 1st time just passed 2 months old. She is 6 years old as of 4/16. Here is our problem: She is now 2 and about a month ago she started getting aggressive with our jack. I am the "alpha" its me and my 12 yr old son. They help build a dog's confidence. I tried many trainers and programs, even a dog shrink and medication. She is a great dog but *can* be reactive with other dogs in her face, and has the occasional indoor peeing thing, and the fur pulling. I'm totally in love with Aussies and I had luck because Jack is a submissive dog so that makes him very friendly with everybody, today I told my husband that if we ever need protection we'll be in trouble because Jack just isn't cut for it , he never barked lol. Your email address will not be published. Although they are around people and dogs all the time, they are very protective of their momma. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a serious and frequent pregnancy complication that can lead to short and long-term risks for both mother and fetus. We immediately got a trainer because he had separation anxiety issues. What a difference this has made. Our trainer noticed this right away and said you need to watch his eyes, if he gets his eyes fixed on someone or an animal that we have to snap him out of it. My parents and I dont know what to do, our vet says the only thing we can do is put him to sleep, but Im having a hard time with that option. My female Aussie is 9 and has many of the same issues (but I don't think as severe) as your pup. Have an Aggressive Dog?Check out this introductory dog training video Join in and write your own page! We wonder if he experienced domestic violence in his breeders home Anyway, we are trying Prozac, in spite of our last experience because I take Prozac for anxiety and my doctor said most dogs are good with it, like many humans, but some, like some humans might aggressive. He cries and shakes to go thru the doorway. I have a reactive dog I have raised since puppyhood. The positive side is that we can now council clients better when behaviours are beyond training. I have to remind her to leave her feet alone. Say no and then put him in the crate and leave the room for 10 minutes. I do this over and over and over again. Have you considered a shock collar? Its important to follow your veterinarians instructions closely, as overdose of fluoxetine can cause seizures in dogs. Chihuahua was given 10mg once a day yesterday. He was such a loving dog when he was little. Hes learning to trust us but its a process. It was a hormonal imbalance and after being spayed she is a different dog. Did your dog improve with Prozac? If he is people, other than family, aggressive, that is one thing. Just 2 days ago he got a sandwich that my son was eating at the coffee table when he went to get a drink. I got nico when he was 8 weeks old. If I can't correct this soon he will have to go and I absolutely love him. Any suggestions? Great animal but will literally kill another dog over food or a bone. So I got a personal trainer and spent 3 months several times a week with the trainer and myself, a prong collar and an e-collar. Thats a long 15 years without a vacation. After I have spoke to them in a calm manner she will settle down and even lie down with her front paws crossed while I talk with them. We are just avoiding those situations to keep from ingraining the habit of aggression. and your family? As a dog responds to behavior modification, dosage of the drug is weaned away. Cesar Millan does this, and it works really well. Then the biggest issue is his aggression when he's gotten into food from the table or counter - or our kids laps. Shes now 8, looking back its been a slow progression to this point. I really fell in love with her, so smart so loving!! When the dog makes a nose touch contact with the person, click and give praise and treat. If were out and Im uncomfortable with my pups around other dogs my dogs become a bit reactive. It's maybe the 3rd time he has done it first time aggressively. This dog's gait is free and easy, and must be able to change direction or speed instantly. Probably rare but still it can happen. the Lhasa weighed 20 lbs. My Aussie came over and nipped him on the leg then seemed scared of him the rest of the night. Keep focus on your time with him look them in the eyes tell them you love them be calm. My Aussie, Teddy, is super sweet to the family but if he didnt know you as a pup he will bite your face off. He was severely abused. We have a similar situation with our pup. Its put a strain on us as my partner is gone a lot through work and I cant join because we cant be gone more than a few daysthe pet sitter is unable to walk him, hes too aggressive towards other animals and people and bikes and cars (he bit the tire on my Jeep the other day). from my experience and what I have seen with other aussies, breeders should stop selling these dogs to city folks. She now gets plenty of training and exercise. Because Ive been doing that. We had noticed he was becoming antisocial (normally he was sweet and loving). It takes a lot of time and patience with aussies. Have you tried a spray bottle with water and a little vinegar. He was 5 months old? They met when Eli was a puppy before the aggression kicked in. She has always "herded" him in the backyard but now he is terrified of her and won't go in the yard if she is there. The Australian Shepherd Boxer Mix is a medium-sized breed that is often seen sporting smooth fur. She feels she is protecting you. This medication is meant to be prescribed alongside behavior modification training. I'm not sure if getting another dog for him to play with would help or not. Background: Edema represents one of the earliest negative markers of survival and consecutive neurological deficit following stroke. Sammy was simply bored, undertrained, underexercised, and understimulated. Best of luck! Smart dogs need consistent work. Thank you all. Those are getting less, so room for hope. talk to your vet about trazadone, we use it with our 1 year old when she needs to get groomed or be around kids. Cuba is 2 years old, and weve trained together every single day. Neither of them would take their after walk treats which my Robbie would normally nag my husband for. Before I address how I treated Cuba, lets discuss medications. Sometimes this can have an affect on your dogs behavior, because of their sensitivity to certain medicines. The dogs look nothing like their former selves. I felt that might be a bit much. But never attackingto kill the other. That is a dangerous dog , I would seek professional trainers help asap - they may be able to set you up with a dog behaviorist also to assess things. He is very fearful of everything and everyone. They fight, but not drawing blood nor have the bullies ever grabbed the little ones around the neck, yet alone shake them. My dog does the exactly the same thing and I can not get through to her no matter what I do or try. Also put faith in your pup. I want my dog to listen and come every time I call! Her barking won't stop and you can't distract her at all. If any do thinks it outranks you in your "pack" then you will have trouble controlling it and it will do as it pleases most of the time. Doping up the treatment-receiver also misses the point. He's an amazing dog. Did your Aussie recently have vaccinations or flea, tick or heart worm prevention medicines. I am starting that with my 10 month old Aussie. And for understandable reasons are becoming increasingly aggressive with other dogs.We have tried everything because the pent up aggravation will at times turn them on each other and after trying everything else have started them on Prozac. Could there be something that is encouraging or stimulating his aggressiveness? The second day I had him he bit a family member. Thanks for reaching out! I have trained enough problem dogs to have confidence that my techniques are effective. So far no marking in the house. What was your experience like? I may be wrong but this is how I truly feel. And he has a loving home wish us and our 2 daughters(college age). The thing I noticed that helped him was my body language during his acting out. I am a vet tech so I followed textbook rules on. You are her/his herd. I've been desensitizing him to a muzzle, and hoping that will give me some piece of mind. Work patiently and with no distractions. At night they were busy raising the human children in. Your pup is probably thinking she's doing her job. I was 18 when i got my australian shepherd i am now 26 and it has had its rough moments. She is very trained and hasnt ever done this before. We got him at 6 weeks and is now 4 months. Good luck. If you have a treadmill inside, you should try working with your dog to walk/slowly jog on it to give him exercise. No apparent reason. Hes improved, but we still cant put a collar on him. My own proximity to the situation (this is a dog I own and love deeply) prevented me from rational observation. we have an aussie, currently 9. its been mostly a terrible experience. Fluoxetine (Prozac) This medication is commonly used to treat aggressive dogs but also works fine to treat dogs experiencing serious stress and anxiety. takes so long to warm up to people. never happened. Below is a list of breeds that are frequently affected by the MDR1 mutation. She is a model citizen and has no problems tolerating the medication. Nikko is a reactive girl. I got him at 6 weeks and brought him home. At night they were busy raising the human children in the family, so Sammy was lucky to get a 20-minute walk a few times a week. We walked him a lot and tons of people would always come up and pet him. This was combined with a series of about 3 weeks straight of night time panic attacks pacing panting crazy eyes tucked tail avoidant behavior pushing stuff so I started him on Prozac and Gabapentin and sometimes supplement with the heavy stuff when he is really panicked trazadone. So our vet suggested Prozac. Did it help with anxiety or aggression? He gets walks throughout the day as well as free run time and weather depending we do many hikes where they smell each delicious sniffable thing in the wild. We did not see any changes, so they increased it to 30 mg (she weighs 45+ pounds). I have to choose their vaccinations first. He would literally attack the ocean, a lake, a pool, the outside side edges of a kiddie pool etc. Something in my brain clicked - that sounds like Cuba! Scares me til she can refocus. This foster dog I work with jumps through the roof when an earring falls on the floor and it sounds like your dog may be in that same camp. the other dog (a husky mix who is a little smaller than him) was shaking in the corner of the yard scared. Bella is 3 years old. Although these four colors are the main color groups, each group has several variations. She will bark at strangers or anyone who approaches her that she doesnt know. Additionally, overdose of the medication can cause seizures, and abruptly stopping the drug regimen can lead to withdrawal symptoms. Come winter, after the noise of rain, thunder, fireworks is done she goes back to pretty normal. I read about Aussies being stubborn and clever. He absolutely hates strangers, the only way he tolerates them is by us using the pronged collar the trainer provided us with and command him to sit and sway his attention with a treat. Ollie's aggression towards my husband continued barking, growling, air biting and biting, even though the bites did not break skin. Although Australian Shepards are known for their high energy, the breed may be susceptible to health problems. Now, me nor my wife can go in the backyard without him getting too excited and attacking the female, at first playing, then gets violent! The Australian Shepherd is a breed of herding dog from the United States.The name of the breed is technically a misnomer, as it was developed in California in the 19th century, although it has its origins in Asturias, in the northwest of Spain; the breed was unknown in Australia at the time. She refused to walk past him. My trainer calls her a "special needs dog". Sammy started chewing the carpet. This sweet sweet little dog was found in S Korean meat market, saved there and shipped to the US. The crate should not be a punishment but a place for him to get himself back under control and lay down. Labs, believe it or not, love putting their mouths on stuff - it is what they were bred to do. We love him and are attached to him don't want to get rid of him but we are so worried he will get loose and hurt someone badly. That dog turned out to be dog aggressive and would have killed or been killed by our rott. We are on year 5. Because something larger is happening. She does not do this with our lab but we are now afraid to take her to the dog park because we do not know how she will react to other dogs. Some nights hes fine and doesnt have a problem with people coming into my room at night, and other nights hes growling and snarling at them. What do I do. He just started Prozac. The more I work with her I see behaviors that resemble what youre describing which is caused me to do some deep research. ( college). He will growl at black or native American's who get too close to us but doesn't go after them any further. Hes very energetic so it can be overwhelming at times but I will take him on long walks and try to get him around other animals. That lesson alone has made the time and money worth it. We took him to obedience school and he caught on quickly but he is a door dasher and is still agresssive with people not dogs. The immersion training seems extreme for this sweet dog as hes already been in very rough real experiences as a meat market product. (Rescue dog, one year old, who knows what shes endured, also it seems to me that in her mutt lineage she definitely has some border collie.) Hes good with the other dog and cats. But one day a pit dog got hold of him and my aussie tore that pit dog up. We live in a downtown loft with tons of noise around us! Our vet retired and Ive gone to a new one. (many of the posts before me indicate stressful home/work situations.) Needing meat to . My dog started a dose of 10 mg of Prozac on Friday. He is generally still accommodating when on walks we walked him 4-mi a day previous to this (he cant go that far now he is super tired and just wiggles on his back or aims to nap under bushes) and takes treats only outside the home. It lets them know where they stand. There are some side effects that can be harmful to dogs, and the drug can react badly with other medication. It took about 8 months to accept human touch, still he seems to have ptsd moments when he clicks out and just trembles. When she walks the ball back to me I know she is good. by: Anonymoos. These dogs need to live in the country with room to run and herd they are not city dogs even through they are small. Red zone aggressiveness needs training, but don't lose hope! I also read about the traits of hearding and "nipping." His behavior has gotten worse as training has increased. Good luck to you! It is often prescribed for anxiety, aggression, and behavioral issues in both humans and dogs. I owned and operated a horse stables and clinic breeding the best that we could. You must must be the alpha so he/she knows you're in charge, that you will handle the situations that he/she sees as a threat. It appears to be happening more often. I have an Aussie 3.5 years old. After much research on the internet I decided to take the situation into my own hands and start Prozac at a very low initial 10mg dose. I am nervous though when I hear it may cause agression because he has never been, love people and kids, goes crazy when he knows he is going to daycare, anyone experience the side effects of aggression. Us and our 2 daughters ( college age ) turned 3 day i had him he a! Maybe the 3rd time he has a loving dog when he was sweet and loving to people and.. That he needs more help than i can not get through to her no matter what i have to! Aggression, and must be able to change direction or speed instantly and dogs and you ca australian shepherd prozac her. 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